Introducing LEARN by Hattaway Communications

LEARN by Hattaway Communications is our new learning platform for Strategy, Science, and Storytelling. Whether you’re building a brand, selling a product or service, mobilizing people for a cause, or promoting a program or policy—LEARN helps you communicate with maximum motivating power.

In our first online course, One-Minute Message: How to Create Your Ultimate Elevator Pitch, we share insights from communications science and tools you can use to craft concise, powerful narratives that capture people’s attention and imagination. Packed with real-world examples from business, government, and nonprofits, this 12-lesson course equips you to create an elevator pitch about anything that will help you inspire and engage anyone—in just about a minute.

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The One-Minute Message: How to Create Your Ultimate Elevator Pitch

Course Starts October 15
Learn new skills and a set of proven, science-based frameworks you can use time and again to craft powerful messages and strategies. You will learn:
In just a few hours, you’ll be thinking in new ways about how to communicate with the people you need to motivate and mobilize to achieve your goals.

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The One-Minute Message:
How to Create Your Ultimate Elevator Pitch