Many people are committed to improving racial equity in their organizations, but are unsure where to start. What are the first steps to advance racial equity at work? How do you engage leadership? And how do you overcome common barriers to prioritizing racial equity?

In early 2019, we had these same questions. Luckily, we had the wonderful opportunity to learn from Dr. Judy Lubin and her organization, the Center for Urban and Racial Equity (CURE). Dr. Lubin and the CURE team were instrumental in helping us articulate what racial equity means tous as an organization and evaluate how our own policies, practices, and beliefs helped—or hindered—that vision. They reviewed our internal systems and structures, interviewed everyoneon our staff, walked us through hard but necessary conversations as a team, and gave us tangible next steps to continue our work toward a more equitable workplace. In this episode of Achieve Great Things, members of our DEI Committee Reina DuFore and Veronica Selzler talk with Dr. Judy Lubin about how to improve racial equity in the workplace.

They explore what racial equity looks like at work, how organizations can prioritize racial equity, and some of what Hattaway has learned through our work with CURE.

Listen to the full episode here or through the player below. You can also subscribe to Achieve Great Things on iTunes here.